


Hey Photographer,

Im ready for my "success Era" - Sound like you?

Programs Tailored for the Introverted Photographer

The Business of Photography.

Introverts just do it differently.

We dream of building a business that mirrors the who we are – introspective, thoughtful, authentic and profoundly creative.

And in an extroverted business world, seeking a path that respects your energy, cherishes your family time, and aligns seamlessly with the rhythm of your life feels like a pipe dream.

I promise it's possible, and this journey, though uniquely yours, doesn’t have to be a one you figure out on your own.

Hi, Im Jessica and I coach introverted photographer's like you through creating a business that they love, that is profitable and that aligns with their life. Creating success as an introvert in a business world built for extroverts.

Create "Know, Like and Trust" without ever saying a word.

Do you ever feel like your market is so saturated you are drowning in the crowd, waving your arms around just hoping you will get seen among the never-ending sea of other business owners in your industry?

What if I told you it doesn’t have to be that way? and that, in fact, you could be the exception?

That you could actually be the first one that gets their attention, and begin creating "know, like and trust" without saying a word.

My name is Jessica Korff, owner of Jessica Korff Studios and I create portraits for thought leaders that cut through the noise, elevate your brand, and help present you, as exactly the expert your clients aspire to work with and connect with.

Angelica V,

Senior Photographer

I highly recommend her for anyone who seeks a successful photography business!

“Working with Jessica has helped me tremendously with improving my photography business. She spent so much time with me on being sure I was off to a solid start in my success. I highly recommend her for anyone who seeks a successful photography business! Jessica is incredible!”

Angelica V,

Senior Photographer

Scope our Services

Introducing Coaching made for Introverted Photographers

We have 3 main ways to work with us, find your best option below:

Our Custom Headshot Session or Branding Session is for you if:

The Introverted Photographer's Success Society

A 12 Week Coaching program to help you create the profitable business you love, while honoring your introverted self.

This 12 week program can be a stand alone course or in conjunction with weekly 1:1 with Jessica.

This program will help you with the tangible business steps you need, the client interactions and conversations, and even some of the marketing. All while not just giving permission -- but encouraging you to create boundary and space for rest and recharging.

Our approach is built around crafting the weekly life you want to live and then designing a business around that.

We don't do damaging hustle culture around here.

Here, we are helping you establish a thriving business that gets to exist without push to hustle and be someone you are not.

Hit the button below to get on a call to talk about this program as a 1:1 guided coaching experience.

Or to get on the waitlist for the release of this program as a "do it at your own pace" course, hit that button. It will open an email, just drop the subject line : IPSS Waitlist and we will get you added, no additional conversation needed.

Our Custom Headshot Session or Branding Session is for you if:
Our Custom Headshot Session or Branding Session is for you if:

Courses Crafted for working at your own pace in Your own Brilliance

Dive into our standalone courses, such as, clarity around your ideal client, copy my workflow or even networking as an introvert, all designed for moving your business forward in small bites.

These courses include:

Get My Session/Client Workflow

Understanding your Composite Client

Marketing for Photographers

Networking for Introverts

Pricing for Profit

and more!

Get the stepping stones to a business that flourishes on your terms, at your own pace.

1:1 Custom Coaching

Our one-on-one coaching is designed to work for you where you are at.

Choose from:

1 hour advisory audit

3 months (2x a month) coaching

6 months (2x a month) coaching with Voxer access

12 months (2x a month) coaching with Voxer access and get our client scripts free!

-- to work on what you find to be the most important to you. These programs range from $300 to $3600.

This is designed for photographers who want to get to the next level in their business, don't need as much of the general things in our 12 Month Program The Introverted Photographer's Society (or perhaps want more time to do it)-- and are looking for something more custom to their specific needs.

Things we can cover:

Business basics

Pricing for Profit

Pricing Psychology

Audit your pricing or workflows

Client Connections (think sales, consults, and emails)

Posing and Lighting

In studio client interactions


Time Management


and more!

Our Custom Headshot Session or Branding Session is for you if:

Options to Help:

When you need a little more:

Brand Sessions - We have both Luxe and Signature options to get you what you need. Makeup included, strategy planning and style consult, multiple locations and looks to tell the full story of your brand.

Custom Headshots - When Branding isn't quite right, but you need lots of diverse selections. - Makeup included and style consultation, one location up to 3 looks. head and shoulders mixed with some 3/4 shots.

When you need a little less:

Headshot Minis - When you really just need 1-3 and want something quick. -Come ready to go, head and shoulders only, pop in and pop right out. 15 minute sessions- one simple look change (jacket change, jewelry change or throw the hair up).

Bite Size Brand Refresh - For when you have already done the branding foundation work and shots, but you have a new product, a seasonal business, or for coaches who are their brand and need some fresh content each quarter. -Makeup included, 30 minute shoot time, bring your props and get your looks and get on with your day.


Senior and wedding photographer

Once I did it, I couldn't believe how good I felt!

"I am afraid that I may come off rambling, it's just that I have such incredible things to say about my mentoring with Jessica. I came to her a huge mess, hoping that she would help sort me out. I thought I was making money in my photography business and unfortunately she had to point out that I was indeed not making hardly anything at all. She said my photography was beautiful, but my business sense was going to tank me, charging my worth/raising my prices was such a huge leap of faith for me.

Once I did it, I couldn't believe how good I felt. I continue to reach out to her for more mentoring regarding her brilliant business tactics. I refer her at any opportunity when I see anybody struggling with their business. I am becoming very successful because of her mentoring, and I can say that proudly!"


Senior and wedding photographer

Both custom headshots and branding sessions include:

Both custom headshots and branding sessions include:

- Makeup artistry

- Wardrobe consultation

- Credit towards your image purchase

- MOST IMPORTANTLY a strategy planning appointment to discuss who you are, who your business is, who your ideal clients are --so we can photograph in a way that gets their attention!

Branding sessions start at $1290 and include $1000 towards the purchase of your images Custom Headshot sessions start $690 and include $400 towards your image purchase.

Call today to see which fits your needs best.

520-975-9051 | Tucson, Arizona Photographer

© Jessica korff studios | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | TERMS & CONDITIONS